Mangala Studios was established in 1970 by Dorotea Mangiamele.
We specialise in styles of practice which emphasise inner awareness within the vast range of techniques.
Adults and children classes take place in separate venues. Take note of locations and contact details.
Children Creative Dance & Yoga
Croxton Uniting Church, 326 St Georges Rd, Thornbury
(entrance to hall on sidestreet, Shaftsbury Parade)
Sue Hockey
Sue Hockey combines her passionate interest in childrens learning, yoga and creative dance in her artistic, transformative and educative weekly dance offerings.

Yoga, Creative Dance and Tai Chi
Green Monday, 73 Grattan St., Carlton.
(Formerly Mangala Studios)
Timetable, Fees and Payment Details

Peter Hockey
Peter Hockey draws on his many years of yoga, creative dance and tai chi teaching and experience to bring adaptability, applicability and understanding to the classes he conducts in each of these three fields.